Monday, January 9, 2012

Energy Saving Tips

Save Money with Energy Saving Tips

•Lower your thermostat at night and when you’re not home. Use a programmable thermostat so it’s automatic. Every degree lower can take 2 percent off your power bill.

•Make it a habit to shut off lights, computers and other appliances when you’re not using them.

•Switch to compact fluorescent bulbs. They use a fourth of the energy used by regular bulbs.

•Replace halogen lamps in torchieres with compact fluorescent torchieres. They use about 70 percent less energy and produce more light.

•Use motion detectors to turn on outdoor lights rather than leaving them on all night.

•Close your fireplace damper when there’s no fire. Leaving it open is like having a 48-inch-square hole in your house.

•Close off and don’t heat unoccupied rooms.

•Take showers with low-flow showerheads (they use 50 percent less hot water) instead of baths.

•Set your water heater at 115 degrees (F), which is comfortable for most uses. Turn your water heater off when you go on vacation.

•Wrap your water heater in R11 insulated wrap but don’t cover the thermostat.

•Run only full loads in your dishwashers and clothes washers - and wash in warm or cold water.

•Wash and dry clothes on week-ends when energy use isn’t as high.

•Air dry your dishes. In nicer weather or in a warm basement, air dry your clothes.

•Clean your furnace and heat pump filters to keep them operating efficiently.

•Limit use of kitchen and bathroom fans since they pull heat out of the house.

•Open south-facing drapes and blinds during the day to let heat in.

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